Conservative Dentistry

Conservative Dentistry

Conservative dentistry aims to combat one of the world’s most prevalent diseases: dental caries.

But what is dental caries? 

It’s the deterioration of tooth tissues caused by bacteria in the oral cavity. Under normal conditions, Streptococcus mutans coexists harmlessly in the mouth. However, in the presence of sugars left unclean, Streptococcus mutans proliferate, producing lactic acid that erodes enamel and dentin. 

Conservative dentistry seeks to remove the defect, replace the decay, and solely eliminate the damaged portions, preserving dental structures in situ. Once the decay is removed, the missing part is replaced with restorative materials. 

The restorations performed in conservative dentistry include Direct Restorations, composite fillings applied chairside, and Indirect Restorations, such as ceramic or composite inlays made outside the mouth, used when composite fillings are insufficient and precise restoration is required. 

Conservative dentistry is the simplest method of repairing and preserving a decayed tooth. It aims to prevent extractions or tooth loss and conserve damaged teeth due to caries or trauma. Preventing dental caries requires maintaining clean teeth at home through daily oral hygiene (three times daily) and regular professional dental visits.