Thanks to modern implantology techniques, rediscovering a smile is now easier. Tooth loss affects one’s appearance, diminishes chewing function, and affects self-esteem and psychological well-being. In the past, missing teeth were often addressed with bridges or removable prosthetics, which required altering healthy teeth for support.
Dental implants with artificial roots replacing missing teeth eliminate this need to compromise adjacent teeth—traditional methods involve filing adjacent teeth and damaging healthy ones to support prosthetics. Modern implantology surpasses this limitation. Titanium artificial roots, inserted into the bone, seamlessly integrate over time. This advancement ensures the replacement tooth aligns perfectly with natural dentition. The field has evolved significantly from screw-type implants, standardized over the years, to innovative icon implants.
Guided implantology, performed without surgery, utilizes 3D CT scan data to plan implant placement precisely. Based on this plan, a surgical guide is fabricated, facilitating implant insertion directly into the bone through the gum without primary surgical intervention. Smile Dental Center offers a comprehensive range of dental prosthetics, utilizing cutting-edge materials like precious metal alloys, ceramics, or zircon to enhance aesthetics and durability.